

Can't wait to return back Home ....

Week 24 Charmes

Hello Mr Day and 4/5 S

This is my last blog since I am coming back to Australia in a bit more than one week. I am very excited to come back home to see Lon (my sister), Rob (my brother) and my pet “Purrlie”. I am also happy to see all my friends at school.

My favourite part of the trip was always coming back to my Grandmother’s house in Charmes! … and every so often going to my cousins’ house in Samoussy. The place I didn’t like was …??? (Actually, I don’t have a place that I didn’t like at all !).

My mum has gone to Hong Kong for one day and now she is on her way to Kathmandu in Nepal. She is going to do a big trek up a mountain with my aunty Libby and uncle Bruce.

I hope you liked reading my blogs.
